What I Do

I'm good at.....

  • Mapping out new initiatives;
  • Spotting opportunities and risks;
  • Getting to win-win;
  • Writing (check out my blog!);
  • I think I’m a good singer, but that may be an overstatement.

I've worked on....

  • Net-zero real estate development projects;
  • Clean energy policy;
  • Solar energy market development;
  • Urban fruit picks;
  • Broadcast of the 1992 Olympic Games.

I'm interested in...

  • Making Toronto a city that is defined by its livability for all people, from all walks  and of all colours;
  • Protecting Mother Earth so her generosity can help us feed all those who hunger;
  • Promoting corporate citizens who embrace environmental protection, support the dignity and wellbeing of all communities, and embrace their fiduciary duties to act with high integrity;
  • Letting my light and soul out by creating again.

Featured Experiences

I can change the world, with my own two hands

I started this consulting practice to boost Canada's use of renewable energy and energy efficiency, and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. I worked with policymakers, developers, and manufacturers on projects valued at over $175 million.

I can comfort you, with my own two hands

I am honoured to have captured many young families on film. I have been deeply touched to see my photographs of a fleeting time still placed prominently in family homes.

Make a better place, with my own two hands

At this start-up, I negotiated solar thermal energy contracts in new US and Canadian markets. My boss called me a 'silent river running deep'. I like that description, but I'm not so silent anymore.

Make a kinder place, with my own two hands

Netflix was a DVD rental business when I worked on a team to create educational content for the first US interactive television trials.

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